A86: Re: Re: An ASM program that deleted all vars?


A86: Re: Re: An ASM program that deleted all vars?

ummm... it should work. are you using TASM or Assembly Studio?


>Kirks program has the following errors:
>delvar.asm line 0014: Label not found: (delete_loop)
>delvar.asm line 0014: Range of relative branch exceeded.
>Don't laugh at me, because I don't know any of 86 assembly, but can some
>please fix this?
>In a message dated 98-04-06 18:16:17 EDT, _@ibm.net writes:
><< delete_loop:
>     ld hl,search_string    ;i think in this case you
>     rst 20h                        ;have to do this every time
>                                         ;because when you delete
>                                         ;the VAT changes
>     xor a
>     call $514B
>     ret c
>     call _delvar
>     jr delete_loop      ;<<<<< This is line 14.  There's something wrong
> search_string:
>     .db $00,$00        ;search for real ($00)
>                                  ;other $00 indicates 1st var
>  >>