A86: Displaying a LOT of text!!! Question


A86: Displaying a LOT of text!!! Question

Say I was making a program which has to display a lot of text
sequentially......this is done:

ld hl,label1
call _vputs

Now if label is defined at the end of program:

   .db "Text string",0

The question is if hl is modifed by calling _vputs, and if not where is it
pointing? To the null byte of label1, or the byte after the null
character.....  Cause if there is another label after label1.....

   .db "Text string",0
   .db "Text string 2",0

Then could I do this:

ld hl,label1
call _vputs
call _vputs ;If hl is not modified during the previous call to _vputs and
if its pointing to 
	    ; label2 then I could just call again?? - if it is modified then could
I push
	    ; then pop of the stack.....

Im trying I guess to come up with some sort of "engine" to display text
using very little code as possible..

Im thinking like this:

; I have 5 lines of text to display... label1, label2, label3, etc.
; Ill assum that hl is not modified during _vputs and its pointing to null
byte - meaning
; it has to be incremented once top point to next label

<-----Snip code---->
  ld b,5		; # of labels
  ld hl,label1
  call _vputs
  inc hl 		; Is that in the instruction set?
  djnz,PutText	;Is that the correct syntax?
  .db "Text string 1",0

; Rest of the labels below....