Re: A86: Re: TI-86 Demo Program


Re: A86: Re: TI-86 Demo Program

At 02:47 AM 12/30/97 EST, you wrote:
>>> run remove and delete the programs in the pack
>>>>Has anyone been able to get the TI-86 Demo Program off their calculator
>>>>without having to take out their batteries?
>> The only two programs in the ZIP file are keyld.86p and demold.86p.  They
>> don't seem to do anything.
>He means the unrelated interrupt program, "remove". The code was
>posted here a week or so ago. I didn't think of that, but it will work.
>Whoever has that code, could you re-post it? I'll add it to the demo
>program (it will be erased when the demo is run, but at least every-
>one with the demo will have it and might stop asking that...)
the byte at (iy+35) (and also at (iy+36)?) hold the flags for user
interrupts, fonts, etc. The user int is bit 2, so res 2,(iy+35) will clear
that. But the demo also uses the key int, and I don't remember what bit
that is. Anyway, this should clear everything:

sub a
ld (iy+35),a
ld (iy+36),a

