A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #177


A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #177

OOOPS!  I guess I need to check my facts better.  Hey, at least I didn't
"bury it" while it was still alive.  (You are the one who found it,
~Larry C
>Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 12:31:17 -0700
>From: gussie@alaska.net (Grant Stockly)
>Subject: Re: A85: PLEASE help me.
>>snowplowed into his driveway, AND IT STILL WORKED!  For some people,
>If you're talking about the recent post, umm no.  It doesn't work.  
>The LCD
>is in a million pieces and the back of the case is falling off.
>- ---
>Grant Stockly
>AppleCyber - http://www.alaska.net/~gussie

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