LZ: USGARD stuff


LZ: USGARD stuff

	First off, when I said 2nd mem didn't work, I meant in TI-OS, 2nd
mem displayed a bunch of crap, cause the explorer messed up the VAT...  Ok,
another idea, for the expander support, you could have all the libs on the
expander, and ones that are not used that often could just be grabbed when
needed :)  I think the next logical lib that should be created would be a link
lib, so you can add link play to calc games easily.  Last thing, that n/a
thing in the start menu - programs dirs is annoying, you should have it either
delete the entry or hide the n/a all together.  Oh, and you programmers how
are writing things for USGARD, us the get/delete calls that support the
expander stuff to help flexibility :)  BTW, its kinda big now, but you guys
would port it to the upcoming TI-86, the lib support would rock!