Re: LZ: Re: Shell incompatibility


Re: LZ: Re: Shell incompatibility

Ess Andreas wrote:
> > I am worried that shell incompatibility will be taking place soon with
> > USGARD and SUPERNOVA, these have not been released yet but will be
> > soon.  The features such as libraries will probably have
> > incompatibility.
> Of course such features will cause incompatibility, but who wants to use ZShell when there's USGARD (or SUPERNOVA).
> > I have used SuperNova and rate this on a scale of 1-10 as a 10.  If they
> > optimize it to the size they want to get it at and fix a couple bugs it
> > will be the best OS-SHELL out there, it is custimizable to the users,
> > small, and fast.  Just wait till it comes out, there will be no need for
> > ZSHELL, OSHELL, USHELL, CSHELL, OS-85, or any simular one.  It apears
> > that USGARD will be close but SuperNova I belive exceeds that even.
> You think that... Usgard has stuff you even can't imagine.
> > But programs designed for SuperNova probably will not work with Usgard,
> > and Usgard programs will not work with SuperNova.  In my oppinion just
> > use SuperNova. (both will run ZShell 4.0 programs, but ZSHELL will not
> > be able to run SuperNova, or Usgard programs.)
> Well, everyone should use the shell he/she wants. This could lead to a mess, however...
>  Andreas
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This is a good thing, competition is good for economics.  As more shells
are developed, there will be competition.  The shell that wins, or has
the most supporters (by way of programs being made for it), will outlast
all others.  In order to be the best, all shell developers will try
really hard to create a good shell, and in the end, all will be superior
to zshell.  
You saw what happened when only zshell was on the market, there weren't
any new updates to it because it had a monopoly.  Monopolies aren't
good, that's what microsoft was accused of; taking all the market share.

Good example is apple/IBM in the personal computer industry.  Apple
(Steve Jobs and this other Steve guy) made the Apple II's, then IBM came
out with a PC, then Apple came out with Macs.  But IBM's design was so
open that many other companies could make IBM clones easily.  IBM and
these cloners took a lot of the market from Macs.  Both companies still
trying to outdo each other, which results in both computers being good.  

Compliments of:
Alan Bailey
IRC: Abalone

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