LZ: New compiler on the way: elaboration.


LZ: New compiler on the way: elaboration.

  First of all this compiler would be based on the existing programming 
language of the TI-85: TIBASIC. This would mean that the existing 
interpreter of the TI-85 would be studied and converted into a compiler; 
not a difficult task, if the right people are set to it (not me, alas). 
On top of that more functions would be added for greater control such as 
variable destruction and memory control in general. The idea is that 
functions and their respective translations into machine code are to be 
placed in editable files so that anyone may add their own functions and 
distribute these.
  To reduce the size of programmes there will be only one header-like 
file, but when the code is being parsed there will be checked for the 
functions used, and only those will be included.
  So what help do I need? Well, someone who is very well versed in Z80 
assembly, which I assume is most everyone on this list. Myself I am 
going to programme the parser (in C++), take care of most of the 
translation from the TIBASIC-like code to machine language, and 
administrate work as good as possible.

Thank you for your attention.

Martin Christensen.

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