A85: My problem with libraries


A85: My problem with libraries

Well, i just wanted to say the problem i am having with using
libraries for Usgard.  Maybe they aren't problems, just complaints.
In my Solomon's Key game, i use 3 sprite routines.  Putsprite,
PutSprite with transparency, and a routine to read the background from
the video memory.  Only one of these is in a library.  And
furthermore, i am only using 8X8 sprites.  I have over 50 sprites in
the game right now (i think).  So i am wasting 2 bytes for each sprite
by putting ".db 8,8" at the beginning when this should be in the
sprite routine itself.  2 bytes * 50 sprites = 100 additional bytes.
And, i need an almost 400 byte library (spritlib) of which i only use
less than 100 bytes (for PutSprite).  I can imagine that Jimmy Mardell
may have also realized this.  His new version of Sqrxz doesn't use the
Sprite Library for most likely these same reasons.  But, on the other
hand, if Jimmy Mardell's game and my game could share the exact same
sprite routines (without putting ".db 8,8"), i guess that would save
about 200+ bytes for the sprite routines and 100 bytes for the sprites
themselves.  So there would *possibly* be a savings of 300 bytes for
my game.  Man, statistics are great.  I can make them say whatever i
want!  I don't know exactly what all of this is supposed to mean, but
i'm sure it says something to different people.  It can either say
"WASTE, WASTE, WASTE" or it can say "SAVE, SAVE, SAVE".  But at the
moment since there isn't a library with those 3 routines, the usage of
libraries is wasteful for me.


Follow-Ups: References: