Re: LZ: TI-85's ram


Re: LZ: TI-85's ram

Josh Lynch wrote:
>         The other day I was really bored and did some thinking. :) If the
> TI-85 only has 32k of ram then the address's in ram would range from
> $0000-$7FFF correct? So, how come when I look at the ram using hexviewv0.1
> and TI85.h that address's are going over that 32k limit? In Hexview it goes
> to $FFFF and in TI85.h when you access cursor posistions and such the
> address are over $8000, could someone explain why this happens? Thank you.
> Later..
> Joshua Lynch

The memory from $0000 to $7FFF is ROM.  The other half of the memory is 
RAM.  There are 64k of actual memory, but 32k is RAM.  Note that you 
never write anything to the first $7FFF bytes, and the CALL's you do are 
to ROM somewhere.

Alan B.
