Re: LZ: More RAM


Re: LZ: More RAM

On Tue, 3 Sep 1996 wrote:

> IN>>                     "Isn't 28K enough for anybody"
> IN>>                                           by Carl Turner
> IN>>
> IN>>I think bill gates said something simalar
> IN>He sure did.  The gist of it was "Nobody will ever need more than 640K of
> IN>memory."  And that's why we still have the 640K barrier to this day.
> IN>--timmyt
> I'm confused. 640k of what? It can't be RAM or hardrive. So what is it?
i was just talking with my dad about this... it's , believe it or not,
RAM!!! back then, they thought that noone would need more than 640k 'o'

Andy Haninger                 
aka &y               
