LZ: Re: waaaaaaaaaay off topic


LZ: Re: waaaaaaaaaay off topic

> From: John Balsan <pbalsan@maui.netwave.net>
> Sorry for being a little off topic but can someone please tell me the

A little?

> correct E-Mail address to submit something to TICALC.ORG.

ask help@ticalc.org

> I have attached the file I plan on uploading, however I thought that I
> would also upload it here.
> **THIS IS NOT A ZSHELL PROGRAM**  Please don't yell at me for doing this,

Um, you post, **knowingly**, a tibasic program to a ZShell-only mailing
list, then ask people not to yell at you?  Another thing, not to insult you
or anything, but your game is huge for what it is. I have written the
essentially the same tibasic program in 448 bytes, as opposed to ~1500 (not
that its one of the most popular games at my highschool, I wouldn't know as
I don't distribute my crappy little basic prgroams, I wrote it during a
study hall to amuse myself, because m,y teacher had cleared my calc.)

> but I thought that this way someone wouldn't just breeze past it because
> it isn't ZShell.
> Be WARNED:  This is a very addicting Racing game.  I have writtten it for
> the 85 and within a matter of days it was on almost everyones 85 in the
> school.

the only truely addictive basic program i have ever played was SuperSki,
I'm sorry, but that program was so simple, yet so awesome (I might make a
zshell version, if only there were more time nin the day (or less school

> Thanx in advance.

Your Welcomx

> -- John

; Max Mansour,       // mail : mmansour@gis.net 
; self proclaimed   // irc : Justarius
; dictator.        // web : maxwww.home.ml.org  
;			eniN I Nails
;         come visit my handheld pages 
;      (OmniGo, Windows CE (soon), TI-85/ZShell)

