LZ: Program I am writing.


LZ: Program I am writing.

I am currently writing a program, and I need some help.

I am not an ASM programmer, nor do I want to learn at the moment (I know
that sounds bad, but I am currently learning C, and two languages at once
wouldnt be good), but I have a program idea that I think would be good for
ZShell. I'm not gonna say the name of the program cause A.) I want it to be
a suprise, and B.) I dont want anyone to steal the idea (its relatively
simple)... If a ZShell/ASM programmer could help me out with writing the
program, please let me know via personal email. The program would require:

Some simple, and a little intermediate math formulas
Printing to the screen.
Accepting user input and performing the math functions on it.

That's about it. It'd be a relatively small program... Also, I have the C
source code for it if that might help porting it to ASM/ZShell.

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