Re: LZ: Teleconferece


Re: LZ: Teleconferece

>I think that we need to create some sort of "y adapter" for the link port so
>that we can plug multiple things in at once (i.e. the rtlink and the
>speaker).  Maybe even a daisy chain type of thing, but I don't know if that
>would be possible.  I think that the IRC thing would be much more difficult
>to implement.
>Any futher input, anyone?

Just this:

  The calculator uses 4 AAA batteries, y-ing or daisy chaining the port
will (I think) split up the power too much... example:  RT link and Buzzer:
half the sound and not as much distance w/ the link.  Plus I think it may
make battery life quite a bit shorter.  I think this make sense.

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Marc Heikens
