Re: LZ: FAKE memory prgs etc...


Re: LZ: FAKE memory prgs etc...

so, you can't switch list in the middle of a thread!
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| From: Magnus Hagander <>
| To:
| Subject: Re: LZ: FAKE memory prgs etc...
| Date: Saturday, July 06, 1996 1:39 PM
| On Sat, 6 Jul 1996, James C. Lewis wrote:
| > At 03:04 PM 7/6/96 +0200, you wrote:
| > > NOT on topic here. And neither is discussions on TI-BASIC
| > >programming at all. Please keep that stuff to calc-ti.
| > 
| > Umm yes it is sorry.  We are talking about how we need a Zshell program for
| > the purpose.  Everyone seems suck on the TI-BASIC.
| > 
| > Funny how if you ask for a Zshell program it isn't on topic.
| That IS on topic. Discussing whether the "busy" indicator is active when
| you write certain programs in TI-BASIC is NOT. THe beginning of the thread
| was on topic (since it asked for a zshell program), but a majority of the
| followups were not.
| //Magnus
