[A83] Re: Rotate 16 bits?


[A83] Re: Rotate 16 bits?

> shl h
> shl l
> adc h,0
> But indeed it is impossible, so I should rotate the low byte left, then 
> rotate the high byte left with the carry (I think that's what had been 
> suggested) I don't, however, get the ones with the jumping.
x86's SHL is called SLA on the Z80... Anyway, you don't need such ADC
tricks, because you can rotate the carry into any general purpose

What's the problem with a conditional jump?

Let's see and example with DE (same goes for BC and HL):

SLA E ; Shifting E to the left, padding with zero from the right
RL D ; Shifting D to the left, padding with carry (the former MSB of E)
from the right
JR NC, NoOverflow ; Jumping if the carry is not set, i. e. D was <128
before the shift
INC E ; Since the LSB of E is zero, this will work perfectly
If you want shifting without rotation, just drop the jump and the


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