[A83] Re: speed question [O/T]


[A83] Re: speed question [O/T]

"You could literally fill up memory to the last byte.  When that
happened, the cursor would change and you couldn't type anymore.  Very

That's not strange at all. That's expected. Most everything depends on
Edit Buffers. When you create an Edit Buffer, it sucks up all of the ram
that is available. If that happens to be only 1 byte, then you can only
put 1 byte into the edit buffer before you are overflowing it and
overwriting whatever is the first thing in ram.
Scott Dial
AIM GeekMug : ICQ# 3608935

-----Original Message-----
From: assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org
[mailto:assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org] On Behalf Of David Phillips
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 4:44 PM
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
Subject: [A83] Re: speed question [O/T]

That is the effect.  I don't think the actual memory usage has anything
do with the issue.  It is the number of items that is important.  Of
I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that is how it worked.  The 82
always managed memory weirdly.  You could literally fill up memory to
last byte.  When that happened, the cursor would change and you couldn't
type anymore.  Very strange.

> And I presume it also adds to the effect that as the number
> of VAT entries increases, memory allocation and
> rearrangement of all the items also gets slower.
