Re: A83: Re: Program Help/External Programs/SOS Concepts.


Re: A83: Re: Program Help/External Programs/SOS Concepts.

Yes you can use rom calls in libraries and yes you can also call your own
program from the library (the program stays @ $9327 even when you use
library calls).  Why you would want to do this I'm not sure, because that
would mean that any program using that library routine would have to have
that code in their program...


>Can you use ROM calls in SOS libraries?  Or could you call a routine to
>current program from a library if you knew the exact location?  For example
>you had a routine right underneath the SOS header stuff you'd know the
>address of the routine.  This could be a simple computational routine (with
>some manipulation of the stack) that would then in turn call or JP a
>in the library.
>In a message dated 3/15/99 8:13:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,
><< You can't use insertmem/deletemem because SOS makes the VAT data
> incorrect.
> It is possible to use calls and jumps with relative addressing, I believe
> manages to do this, but it uses more memory and takes more time. You could
> this by having your main program set up the necessary calls in a safe
> area.
> Anyway, there is a good way of adding free memory to the end of your
> Check out the source to SQRXZ, it uses a this method.
> Joe Wingbermuehle
> >>