Re: A83: Exchanging 16-Bit Numbers...?


Re: A83: Exchanging 16-Bit Numbers...?

In a message dated 10/10/98 12:49:13 PM, writes:

>On 10-Oct-98, wrote:
>>Whats the correct syntax for loading a 16-bit number from a location,
>>to another location...? Something like this...
>>ld hl, (Var_Number_1)
>>ld (Var_Number_2), hl
>>.dw 0
>>.dw 0
>>That was just a general example of the direct approach I want to take,
>>but I know that syntax is completely wrong. I know I could use like "ex hl,
>>de" and work with that, but can someone tell me exactly what to use for
>>it...? Thanks... =)
>>--Jason K.
>Why is that completely wrong?

Hmm, I was just thinking there'd be a little more to it than that. Like I
thought that this would not be possible:  "ld (Var_8_Bit), b"  because it
involves using the accumulator, so how come this 16-Bit operation is "legal"
to do this?  Well, I must be having trouble on how im Storing these 16-Bit
Vars then... In the library table of SOS, I should be able to do this,

	.db "ZGFXL", 0
	.dw 0			
	.db lib2, vec0
	.db $FF

And use that space safely huh?  Well, thats the only new thing I've
incorporated into a program of mine, that has this use of 16-bit numbers now,
and I believe Im not using them correctly for some reason... My calc crashes,
and Once I got a RAM FAIL message... =\  I think I may be exceeding memory
space in there somewhere, since I dont understand how to use 16-Bit Numbers
that well... Well, whatever... =P

																--Jason K.
