[A82] Re: game graphics compression


[A82] Re: game graphics compression

I don't know how it performs on a large scale map, but I made a RLE based 
algorithm yesterday that allowed me to stuff a 8x20 tilemap into 6 bytes.
I think metroid would favor a RLE based algorithm, since there is alot of 
blank space in the middle of the map.  Many times a row on the screen just 
takes up 2 bytes.
Here is how my algorithm works:

  .db <tileID>,<x numTiles>              ; way ONE - signifies that the 
next X tiles are of type tileID
  .db <tileID, bit 7 set>                        ; way TWO - draw only one 
tile of tileID
  .db <tileID, bit 6 set>,<numTiles>     ; way THREE - draw X total tiles, 
consisting of the tile at tileID, and the next tile
                                         ;   essentialy repeats a 8x16 tile 
x/2 times

i can send you the 8x8 tile implementation if anyone is interested.


ps. this tilemap routine is for a "secret" project, which is an old 
nintendo game.

At 03:34 AM 2/21/01 +0000, you wrote:

>hiya, i am starting up work again on my ti82 metroid project
>i need a compression method for graphics with a low ammount of redundancy.
>not ZCP or EZCMP which is all i could find. i need a ratio of 80% (more
>specifically, to be able to stuff 512 bytes into 400)- can anybody help? ive
>tried thinking of my own compression scheme but its too complicated! thanks
>- roger
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