A82: Mars Patrol 82 v2.0


A82: Mars Patrol 82 v2.0

  I sent this to ticalc.org on Friday, but I guess they're really so right 
now. Anyway, I converted Zombi's Mars Patrol to CrASH. It is a pretty fun 
game, if not a little too hard. I mainly wanted to see how he did the 
greyscale. Overall, it looks pretty good on an 82. It's appearance is helped 
greatly because the game scrolls. I used a similar non-interrupt based 
method to impliment greyscale in Baseball II, but I didn't get as good 
results. I'll have to try again.
  enjoy the game,

P.S. Congrats to Adamman, the Defiance demo looks really good (except for 
the wall texture distortion at times) After playing the first beta, I'm 
surprised it moves as fast as it does. I've never gotten the "bug to occur".

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