Re: A82: Ash 3.1 update


Re: A82: Ash 3.1 update

The two matrices are used in a BASIC program so they need to have names
which are recognized by the system. The TIOS only checks programs for valid
names, all other vars are not checked. Because of this I do not see any way
to hide the matrices.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kouri R <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 1998 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: A82: Ash 3.1 update

>Going off on another tangent, Dines, is it possible to hide variables from
the TI-OS? Wouter's Attrib program hides programs by changing the first
character of the name to an irregular character. I was just thinking that
maybe for added protection you could hide the two matrices that Ash (and
CrASH) use so that stupid people can't delete them, not knowing why they're
>On Fri, 20 Nov 1998 06:59:14   Bryan Rabeler wrote:
>>How's Ash 3.1 Beta 3 coming?
>>Bryan Rabeler <>
>>   File Archives, News, Features, and HTML
>>   the project -
>>On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Dines Christy Justesen wrote:
>>> The reason that nothing seems to have happen since I released Ash 3.1
>>> 2 is that I have moved from Denmark to Atlanta, GA (Georgia Tech).
>>> from DK to US has taken a lot of my time, and I have had to sell my
>>> computer. Without a computer I am ofcorse not able to work on Ash. I
>>> ordered a new computer which was shipped yesterday, so I should get it
>>> friday. As soon as I get my computer I will start working on Ash again.
>>> After having released Ash 3.1 beta 2 I have been working on a beta 3,
>>> everything seems to be working except for on small thing. Some times you
>>> have to press enter twice when you want to start Ash, and once in a
>>> when you exit Ash, you have to exit twice. Besides that everythingshould
>>> be working. All test done on VAR function, build in functions etc. show
>>> that everything else works.
>>> As I could not bring all my email from DK, I do no longer have a list of
>>> beta testers for Ash, so when a new beta version is released everyone
>>> wants it will have to email me..
>>> Dines
>>> __________________________________________
>>> Dines Justesen
>>> Email:
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