Re: A82: Zelda82 demo


Re: A82: Zelda82 demo

>Wow, it's amazing! Harp has done one hell of a job. It kinda makes me
>feel bad now 'cuz my game has got shit for graphics. Oh well. I was
>wondering though if Kurai was gonna do this port, or Evil Sam's friend
>who's already ported the demo. And I found a secret room. Probably just 
>bug though.

    The "secret room" is not a bug if what you are referring to is what 
I think. In the dungeon, there is a room where you fight a skeleton. In 
that room, you can go up or down. There appears to be a room to the 
right but you can't pass through it. The room is actually just locked 
and you need to get a key. After you open the door, you go to a room 
with another skeleton and another locked door. Open that door, and you 
get to fight an extremely difficult boss.

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