Re: A82: Re: Re: GWv2.0 bug/ASHv3.0 bug


Re: A82: Re: Re: GWv2.0 bug/ASHv3.0 bug

I will release more information on this when the shell is released. I have
still not been able to test the new functions (have not got the programs I
need yet), so it is hard to explain how it will work in the final version.
I do hope that it will be possible to use the VAT ion Ash 3.1, but real
VAT compatible relocation wont be included until Ash 4.0.

No one has written anything to me about being interested in using the VAT,
and Thomas Hruska does not seem like he is interested in making Game
Wizard work with Ash. Therefor i have not been working on Ash 3.1 the last
couple of days, but since most of the work is done I will probably release
it anyway.

-----Original Message-----
From: ilya winham <>
To: <>
Date: 15. februar 1998 06:09
Subject: Re: A82: Re: Re: GWv2.0 bug/ASHv3.0 bug

>Dines Christy Justesen wrote:
>> I am planning to do in 3.1 is to include these lines of code in Ash
>> This means that it should be possible to make Game Wizard and other
>> programs
>> like that work by inserting ONE line of code. The same method could
>> probably
>> be used to acces the VAT, but i have not tested this.
>Can you PLEASE explain more on how this will able programmers to acces 
>the VAT. Because then the EII/Eup for the TI-82 can be completed, along 
>with other useful stuff the VAT can add to programs.


Dines Justesen
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