Re: A82: Re: Re: GWv2.0 bug/ASHv3.0 bug


Re: A82: Re: Re: GWv2.0 bug/ASHv3.0 bug

At 07:41 PM 2/12/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Ash 3.1 will support programs larger than 13k, and how a program can be
>de-relocated will be explain later. It should also be possible to use the
>VAR routines, it has not been tested, but it should work.

Does v3.1 tear apart the programs into two pieces like v3.0?  Okay, I keep
saying this but don't exactly explain what I mean, so here goes what I
think simpel relocation does (correct me if I'm wrong):

1)  User selects a program.
2)  Start address of program stored someplace and size of program someplace
3)  First byte of the program is swapped with the first byte where the
program is to be relocated to (you programmers know where this is because
you used .ORG START_ADDR at the very beginning of every program for ASH).
4)  Keep swapping bytes until the entire program is moved.
AM I RIGHT SO FAR?!?!?  I think I am, so let me continue.

If Game Wizard or any other interrupt program that will be jumped to is
anywhere in the range of the swapping bytes and Game Wizard isn't entirely
swapped from byte 1 to byte 8999, then when the main Game Wizard routine is
called, half of the program will be someplace else in memory therefore
causing a crash.

That was just information to interested programmers in either designing
their own shell or just wanted some psuedo-code to look at for the fun of
it.  Don't flame me Dines, this information wasn't for you, since you
already know everything about your own code, but I was just asking a simple
question about v3.1 that I want to know the answer to since I plan to stick
with ASH for a long time to come unless it degrades a lot...keep up the
good work and take my comments as constructive (not destructive) criticism.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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