Re: A82: 85->82 command


Re: A82: 85->82 command

there isn't one because that's built into Usgard...

I, uh, acquired the source to it, and out of respect for the author(s) of
Usgard, WILL NOT post it here...  the routine in Mike P's Solytare (85)
is similar, but not w/ the same results.

The source will be sent personally, and I EXPECT YOU TO "CUT" IT OUT OF
THE RELEASED SOURCE TO YOUR PROGRAM.  honor other people's work by doing
so.... i needed the source to that routine for PJ, and that way was the
most convenient.


On Fri, 17 Apr 1998 15:06:18 PDT "Evil Sam" <>
>Does anyone know the 82 equivolent of this 85 Usgard command:
>         call     OTH_ARROW                  ;Check if 2nd pressed
>         inc      hl
>         bit      5,a
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