Re: A82: Upcoming Games


Re: A82: Upcoming Games

At 03:24 PM 9/26/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I Know you have all probably heard this already, but how in the hell do
>you beat level 6 in Slippy?

Actually, this level is fairly easy compared to some others in the game.
However, here is the solution to the puzzle:

1)  The layout of the board looks something like this:
    S          HCCCS
    S       2S H B S
    S        3 HH HS
    S          HHHHS
           1   HCCCS
    S          HCCCS

1,2,3 = pushable blocks
B = pushable block that you don't use often.
C = Coin
H = Hole
S = Solid block

2)  Push 2 down and then left.
3)  Push 3 left and then down.
4)  Push 1 left, up, then right.
5)  Get the coins.
6)  Push the block down.
7)  Get the coins and go onto the next level.

That should help you out.  I, personally, had an extremely tough time
beating level 17 (at least I think it is that level).  It requires about
15-30 minutes to beat if you are good at solving difficult puzzles.  It
took me close to an hour before finishing it.  All the other puzzles seem a
whole lot easier than that one.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
