Re: A82: Custom 82p File Designer...


Re: A82: Custom 82p File Designer...

You keep mentioning that you info/programs will help people who wants to
make shells. As far as i can see you programs will in no way help people
making shells, I can not even see how you would use them to make shell. So
my question is do youknow something about making shells which no one else
does ? I discuused how to compile shell and things like that with Jason
Todd, and both Ash and OS82 are made in a way which does not use prgm82 or
any program like that. So how would your program make it easier. 


You might want to know that the shells aremade by "hacking" the backup
files, not the 82p files.


Dines Justesen
Email: or
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On Sun, 2 Nov 1997, Thomas J. Hruska wrote:

> At 02:26 PM 11/2/97 -0800, you wrote:
> >Thank God! I have been waiting for PRGM82 forever. It is just sooo slow. If
> >your thing is even .00124 seconds faster, multiplied by the 100 times I have
> >compiled something, you will save almost an entire second from my life. Thank
> >you sooo much! No more of those 2 second waits for prgrm82, everybody!
> Are you being sarcastic (for lack of a better word) with me?  Try taking
> the Dump82 program and test the obj->82p with PRGM82.  It will take about
> 30 seconds to convert.  My program will be done in less than 1/10000 of a
> second.  Kurai's 24K RPG game for OS-82 would take about 2 minutes for
> ASM82 while my program only takes 1/100 of a second.  So, ALL serious 82
> ASM programmers (those who write large programs) will want this in their
> arsenal of tools.  You can go ahead and make fun of it.  However, I will
> bet that many other people will find this program to be very useful
> (especially those who want to make shells and modular add-on capabilities
> to their programs or just because they want to test their program 2 min.
> sooner than you do).
>                  Thomas J. Hruska --
> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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