Re: A82: Contrast


Re: A82: Contrast

At 20:04 1997-08-23 -0400, you wrote:
>At 04:04 PM 8/23/96 +0200, you wrote:
>>Tell me if I'm wrong, but the contrast could also be used for very smooth
>>and nice fade-in and fade-outs, right? I haven't seen it or tried it, but
>>it sounds possible to me!
>It may sound possible, but let's say your contrast setting is already at
>zero (fresh batteries...which most of us don't have).  This means that the
>fading out and fading in will cause flicker on the screen.  Maybe, you are
>maxxed out on your contrast setting.  Then you will be waiting until you
>can faintly see your screen again.  For most calc settings, I would agree
>that this is a nifty option, but you have to account for those users who
>don't like these types of features.
>                 Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

You're right about that, but the actual contrast steps are more than
the 0-9 that's displayed. And what I thought was that you change the contrast
perhaps 10 times a sec, until contrast 0 will be reached (if you fade out).
With new batteries, it won't take long (probably give no fade effect at
all), and with old batteries it will perhaps take a second or two.
The only problem I can see is if the user quits the program when the
contrast is wrong. In that case, he/she'll need to reset it manually.
Anyway, I'll try it and see if it is any good!

Lars Ahlzen
