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Ion v1.5
Posted by Nick on 21 May 2000, 06:31 GMT

I know this came out much earlier, but I just got home from a little concert that I've been at all day. Sorry for the late post.

Joe Wingbermuehle has released Ion v1.5 for the 83 and the 83 Plus. Fixes include a drastic reduction in size - when on the 83, the size is 1,318 bytes; when on the 83 Plus, the size is 1,392 bytes. Stability issues have also been addressed: the program loader has been improved. Improvements in the Archive have been created. External levels for most programs have been fixed when the levels run from the archive. Check this out as soon as you can - it looks like Joe has been hard at work. Good job!


The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.

actually I don't like it very much
Mike Dennis  Account Info
(Web Page)

nothing personal or anything, but I like 1.4 although it did have some problems, but with 1.5, my memory gets cleared everytime that I run ION. I think it might be all the apps that I have, because I have noticed that some from TI don't work well with ION stuff.

     21 May 2000, 18:18 GMT

Re: actually I don't like it very much
Sin+er  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, for once, some constructive criticism instead of bashing the program! The only solution to the memory erasing I can think of would be to start from scratch, flash the rom and put all your programs back on after. (but I'm sure you've already tried this). Anyways, I think it is a very well made shell, and look forward to version 1.6 coming out.

     21 May 2000, 18:25 GMT

Re: Re: actually I don't like it very much
Mike Dennis  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't think that there is going to be ION 1.6, because he was sort of talking like it was his last version. I am just sticking to 1.4 for now, and some of the games that I had trouble with are being fixed, because the people that made them want them to work for 1.5 (like Alien Breed II, which is from what I hear being fixed)

     21 May 2000, 19:10 GMT

Re: Ion v1.5
Vejita  Account Info
(Web Page)

Heh, well you guys may hate me for this but I have to speak my mind.

Ion is the most confusing thing to look through and understand good code for it.

     22 May 2000, 04:38 GMT

Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Russell Gershman  Account Info

Ok will someone please help me. I try to download all these games but none of them work and for some reason i can't get ION onto my calculator. help ASAP


     22 May 2000, 06:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Paulo Marques  Account Info

(gosh, it's been a while since I've pick up on my 83)

First, did you send the right version? ie, for the 83 and 83+ it's a different file...
Second, the games need a shell...

Well, I can't say more than that if you don't specify what you did and what you get...


     23 May 2000, 00:41 GMT

Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Rusty Wagner  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yea, and what's up with the program info/size display stuff being in a file seperate from the shell? Just seems like it's adding yet another file in the long list in the programs menu when putting it in the main shell program would be a whole lot simpler, faster, and convenient.

     22 May 2000, 07:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Cigamit  Account Info
(Web Page)

IMO running it as a module is the best way to go, then if I decide I would rather have more space then see the program info, I just delete it, and the shell is a little bit smaller.

     22 May 2000, 10:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Dan Englender Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually, there is a good reason for that. Besides saving space if you don't want prog info, it allows you to load other status line modules instead of zminfo. A good example would be the folder module, which displays folder information on this line instead of prog info. As for the simpler/faster deal, the command line modules are run just like other modules, so in terms how they are run there's not much of an inherent advantage of putting it into the main shell file.


     22 May 2000, 16:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Vejita  Account Info
(Web Page)

It would have been nice to have a FEW comments on the files in the text file documentation.


     22 May 2000, 18:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5

the seperate file business was for modules to be implimened.

     23 May 2000, 05:03 GMT

Re: Ion v1.5
MMfan  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't care what any of you say, ION is the best shell for the 83+. TSE is too confusing plus it doesn't allow ion modules (There's a new project for you TCPA guys out there). ICE is just plain stupid. All Ion really needs is to run ALL ti-83+ stuff and be able to emulate the 83 and I'd be happy.

     23 May 2000, 21:29 GMT

Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Vejita  Account Info
(Web Page)

Of course it is, i am not arguing that. TSE is sweet, but most won't use it specifically unless others make something for it only. It does do ION emulation, but he quit the project already.

I was just saying how confusing ION is and certain parts that nothing is helped with. The code is confusing also. Heh, if you think TSE is confusing, you obviously weren't trying to think very hard. It just requires something different.

     23 May 2000, 23:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
MMfan  Account Info
(Web Page)

No, i'm just a die hard Ion fan who won't change unless something REALLY good comes out. But, seeing as how this is a TI-83+ we're talking about, i doubt it'll happen anytime soon.

     24 May 2000, 16:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
Vejita  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ah, then I take it you don't program for 83+ ION.


     24 May 2000, 21:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
MMfan  Account Info
(Web Page)

Of course I program for the TI-83+. I gotta show up these people who make those stupid programs like Nibbles or Frogger...especially those dumb ARPG ones. Besides, i haven't seen one fighting style ASM game for the ti-83+ at all, so I'm gonna change all that, I guess.

     25 May 2000, 20:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5

the only reason that there is so many version nibbles and froggers is it because they are to create and are simple to make for beginners. the arpg things i agree are quite pointless but it helps beginners get familar with z80 asm and how to debug and builds a base for more useful languages in the future. just look at the author of asm guru it landed him a job at ti and icarus thay wrote a hi-colour library and now nintendo might use it in there games.

     26 May 2000, 04:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
MMfan  Account Info
(Web Page)

ARPG games don't help you at all. It's just a crutch for those people that don't want to make a REAL game. The ASMGuru is all well and good, but it isn't completely helpful for those of us who program on the 83+ cuz some of the functions are different (I still can't figure out what to use to make .8xi files via asm).

     26 May 2000, 21:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion v1.5
L_Kishyak  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, Ion is the best. Thanks to Joe. Then Dan helped bring it back to my 1st place spot by making modules. I switched from Ion to ICE, for the folder options. But Ion came back with a "bang!".

To the 82/85 revolutionaries:
You'll never win, the TI-68 is going to take over EVERYTHING!! HAHA. especially since TI might stop making it....darn. Okay, the TI-73 WILL WHOOP YOU ALL!
(ps: of topic but I have the 83/83+ (playing Glass Cars is fun!), and the 86, and the 89 and the 92+
(plus translucent slide cases for all...yup. i do. so what? )

     26 May 2000, 12:30 GMT

Re: Ion v1.5
SDelta2  Account Info

I will tell everyone one thing, Ion has been great from the start. ION RULES!!

     26 May 2000, 15:16 GMT

Re: Ion v1.5
compman32386  Account Info
(Web Page)

I borrowed my friende TI-83 Plus and put ION 1.5 on tehir for him and a whole load of games. The slhell is great, but I know of one thing that could be improved. You can run programs from archive, but it has to unarchive the program before it can be runed. T should be like TEOS for the TI-89 where is copies the program to RAM and then runs the program, so everything will still be there if the calculator resets. And this wold also be good so you don't have to Garbage Collect about every time you run a program.

It's a great shell though, but i'm just saying that it can be mproved upon.

     27 May 2000, 00:47 GMT

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