Yes, I've already submitted a program for it!
Yes, I'm working on a program but I haven't submitted it yet.
No, I'm not working on a program yet, but I'm going to!
No, I'm not going to submit a program this year.
Maybe, I haven't decided what I want to do yet.

Re: Re: Are you working on any projects for the 2004 POTY contest?
Brian Gordon
(Web Page)
Publicity, sorry, but i didnt think many people would see it way down there.
try this code (83x BASIC):
Input "STYLE: ",A
Input "FREQU: ",B
Shade(-10-(10/96), 10+(10/96), -10-(10/63), 10+(10/63), A, B
Remove the spaces after each comma.
It's really amazing. For example: Clearscreen, run the program and enter 3 and 3 as your values. The wait and without clearing the screen, run it again and enter 3 and 4. Repeat, still not clearscreening, and enter 4 and 3. One last time with 4 and 4. It makes a really cool pattern. You can try a bunch of variations on this, just play around, it's stunning the kind of power this code has. Really, TRY IT OUT. I made an advanced version that takes list inputs instead, for those extremely confident in their use of this code:
Input L1
Input L2
Shade(-10-(10/96), 10+(10/96), -10-(10/63), 10+(10/63), L1(A), L2(A)
Remove spaces after each comma in the Shade statement.
Have fun, and I really insist you try out that first code and do my example.
Oh, and in the first code, the first two lines /might/ be switched, but it doesn't affect the example and I have no way of checking the code as I'm at the library. It's just in my head; I had a field day with it every math class every year and decided it was time to tell someone. You can get, to my count, about 50 self-repeating (is that the term for when you zoom in and see exactly what you saw from afar, like in fractals?) patterns. It's really a reward to find a really good one after awhile of trying. Plus it passes the time very well.
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15 July 2004, 18:02 GMT
Re: Are you working on any projects for the 2004 POTY contest?
Morgan Davies
(Web Page)
Just to clarify and avoid any questions. All featured programs from 2004 and some from December of 2003 witll be in the contest. Thus by "submit" we aren't saying there is a place to submit your files. If you need something featured to get it in the contest, talk to
Reply to this comment
9 July 2004, 22:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Good BASIC
I was thinking about, for example, getting pointing device coordinates and the confirmation key (I use a routine called zzmouse), opening a certain menu based on the confirmation key, then processing the menu choice at a certain label (based on what the user clicked on) by using the fact that Exact mode symbolic variables are recognized as valid label names.
To generate the menu, I would define strings at the beginning of the program to make menus and then pass them to FLib at certain labels. Perhaps I could also use a routine to generate the filename based on events and then open it, which generally is faster. OK, FLib isn't BASIC, but part of 'good programming technique' is not reinventing the wheel.
Off the top of my head (returnel is a routine I use to turn a list element into a string) is a word-processor routine: Click on a formatting button and go back to accepting text
This is a self-contained routine, not a program
:Local ms, fl, str_el, mode (C) Declares the routine return variables and the mode restoration variables local
:getMode("ALL")->mode (C) Saves settings
:setMode("Exact/Approx", "EXACT") (C) Allows expressions to be used as labels
:flib("clrscr", "fillrect:0,0,5,5,2") (C) Clears the screen and adds a control
:zzmouse() (C) Allows the user to click on the control
:returnel(ms,1) (C) Returns the column, and inferentially what control was clicked on
:Goto expr(a&ceiling(expr(str_el/10)))
:(C)Labels for each button
:setMode(mode) (C) Restores modes
:hsr() (C) Recalls the home screen
That's good BASIC. It may need some debugging, like any code (I just thought of it off the top of my head), but it's still conceptually good code. It's low-level, in BASIC, and surprisingly fast.
Reply to this comment
11 July 2004, 07:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: FLib
(Web Page)
AMS 2.09
Free Memory
RAM: about 70000
Archive: about 500000
Program size: the main program was about 3000, but all the other files that were necesary took up almost 100000 bytes
I could do whatever i wanted while the calculator was on, but as soon as I turned it off, a black bar appeared at the top. I used many different flib calls in the program, and many flib2 calls as well, since I was using a text file to hold most of the data. I used getline to retrieve long strings of characters from the teext file. I then used flib("map") to create a picture using about 70 sprites called:
#("sp"&char (seq(x,x,1,n,1))) [ommitting characters not allowed in variable names]
Reply to this comment
15 July 2004, 08:08 GMT

too long subject
Brian Gordon
(Web Page)
try this code (83x BASIC):
Input "STYLE: ",A
Input "FREQU: ",B
Shade(-10-(10/96), 10+(10/96), -10-(10/63), 10+(10/63), A, B
Remove the spaces after each comma.
It's really amazing. For example: Clearscreen, run the program and enter 3 and 3 as your values. The wait and without clearing the screen, run it again and enter 3 and 4. Repeat, still not clearscreening, and enter 4 and 3. One last time with 4 and 4. It makes a really cool pattern. You can try a bunch of variations on this, just play around, it's stunning the kind of power this code has. Really, TRY IT OUT. I made an advanced version that takes list inputs instead, for those extremely confident in their use of this code:
Input L1
Input L2
Shade(-10-(10/96), 10+(10/96), -10-(10/63), 10+(10/63), L1(A), L2(A)
Remove spaces after each comma in the Shade statement.
Have fun, and I really insist you try out that first code and do my example.
Reply to this comment
15 July 2004, 17:58 GMT
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