[TI-H] Re: AW: Re: Update of the OS


[TI-H] Re: AW: Re: Update of the OS


Yes, you can use vti to send the ROM via any of it's link type options, but
it is very unstable. 

I accomplished it once before, but every other try results in it crashing at
random moments of the transfer. 

Then you're left with only the boot rom, and nearly every linking program
(except TI's software) are incapable with sending the OS to the boot ROM....

I think it's because the boot ROM is using a slightly different link
protocalthat nobody has hacked yet. 

Your best bet is to just use TI's crappy link cable ($20) and software



  >>The best way would be to get it from a friend's calculator, or find a
friend with a TI link. I >don't know if this will work, but there is an
option for VTI to use a link cable (parallel or >serial) as if it were
connecting the two calculators. It is possible that you could find a ROM
>with the updated OS, have VTI emulate it, and then send the OS. I really
have no clue if that >would work... >jeff 

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