[TI-H] External Keyboard


[TI-H] External Keyboard

I just recently started looking at creating an external keyboard for a
TI-89. I thought I remember there being a program on the computer that
you could be able to type directly onto the calculator from your
standord keyboard, without any extra programs on the calculator. Am I
crazy, did anything like that ever exist?  While searching for
information I saw that someone had said that "The TI-89 and 92 have
external control ability, ie, you can send keypresses to the calc. . .
" If anyone knows where might I be able to get specifications on this
function of the calculators if you coudl send it out.  Or if anyone
know what program that was if they can give me that name too.  Or if
you think you can help me out with any important information?  Thanks. 
     Derek Mantey

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