[TI-H] Re: Parallel link woes, how does screenshot work etc.


[TI-H] Re: Parallel link woes, how does screenshot work etc.

At 22:36 2001-08-20, you wrote:
>Just to make things absolutely clear - we are talking about the
>'$4-serial-link', the one with a couple of zeners, not that very advanced
>PIC-based solution?

The cheap one.
That pic based is supposed to be compatible with the old gray cable I think.
That is not necessary. Almost all link programs support the "BCC link" or 
"$4 link".

 > Btw. the reason it is more compatible is because it is not so dependent on
 > hardware speed, or is it because you can use TIs own software?

I meant compatible in the meaning that there are more different link 
programs (including TIs own) that support it.

>If the test I mentioned previously turns out OK (that is, that I actually
>CAN receive values from the calc) maybe I'll try to hack together my own
>little transfer program, shouldn't be to hard once I can read and write
>values to the calc. Is there any documentation on the transfer protocol, the
>commands to send for screenshot etc. available?

Yes. There are some in the ticalc.org archives, and I have seen specs on 
other sites too, but unfortunatly I have lost the URLs. search on google or 
They are anyway, what you often call "well known", so you shouldn't have to 
rev.eng. them yourself...
