[TI-H] Re: TI-86 hardware upgrades


[TI-H] Re: TI-86 hardware upgrades

Well, that's true...

I suppose the hw might be the same, but you'd need to know how it worked.
 (like say, which flash chip they used)  I would assume they'd use an
extra port, but which one?  and where does that connect on the board?

And they did blank the page in rom that was used to update it, why bother
to do that?  I wouldn't expect it to cost that much more to include an
extra 16k of data on a rom... 

If it took *any* extra hw to support the flash chip, they probably
removed it eventually to cut costs.


On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 19:46:18 -0700 "David Phillips" <david@acz.org>
> There were some test models that had flash rom chips (as you 
> discovered).
> Do you think those were very different from the production model?
> > > Is it possible to replace the ROM chip in the TI-86 with a 
> FlashROM
> > > chip?
> >
> > Even if you could, you wouldn't be able to reprogram it in-circuit
> > without some major changes.
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