Re: *Please* keep religous stuff Off-List! (was: Re: TI-H: BillGates is


Re: *Please* keep religous stuff Off-List! (was: Re: TI-H: BillGates is the ...

that reminds me...   did you know Sherlock Holms was an opiumatic?  teck
teck...   such a bad example
----- Original Message -----
???: <>
???: <>
????: Sunday, January 09, 2000 12:01
??: Re: *Please* keep religous stuff Off-List! (was: Re: TI-H: BillGates is
the ...

> In a message dated 1/9/2000 2:58:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << << wasnt the bible written by monks on opium 300 years after jesus
> or
>   something?
>    >>
>  The gospel was written from spoken accounts between 50 and 300 AD, and
>  rest of the new testament trailed for several hundred more years. I think
>  was at least 500 or 600 years before the apocalypse was written.
>   >>
> But at the time, opium was not in major use in europe. the only widespread
> drug in europe and the holy land then was lotus blossom. (it contains
> niccotine and the stuff in cannabis... i dont remeber what its called...
> a few more things,  has a horrible stench, and is smoked by burning the
> liquid sqeezed from the blossoms.)
> Jeff Barrett
