Re: TI-H: 'k fine


Re: TI-H: 'k fine

i believe the words are loving, kind, and caring
> << well think about it with 11 bil dollars you make about
>  2 mil intrest a day
>   >>
> Yeah, and with his nearly 100 billion, he makes over 20million in
> plus the man has over $10,000 in income every minute or so. (this may be
> wrong, i read this about a year ago).
> In addition, anyone ever really analyzed any of Gate's caritable
> In one case he donated $100 million to a small elementry school. This
> amounted to nearly $500,000 per student. Do you mean to tell me the man
> 200 kids half a million bucks? There's a line between generous and stupid.
> Jeff Barrett
