TI-H: Billy-Boy Gates, religion, and a bit of a proposal


TI-H: Billy-Boy Gates, religion, and a bit of a proposal

I personally would like to say that it was quite interesting that Bill Gates
can be linked to the Anti-christ, or at least the number, 666. But, although
I am an atheist/humanist, I truly believe that the opinion made that Christ
does not belong here, and, in general, that kind of comment should be kept
inside themselves.

BUT, I also believe we all do not need to make such a big deal about it,
like the twenty-some messages all on religion and morality on the list. So,
I make the proposal, how about, we keep all religious opinions to ourselves
on the list. If anybody, at all, has a problem with this, I think we'd all
like to hear their opinion. All, let us consider.

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ticalc.org handle: mitchodog

"Frosting is good.  I think it'll sell well."  - Steve Jobs, cofounder and
iCEO, Apple Computer
