Re: TI-H: Radio link.


Re: TI-H: Radio link.

yeah, I'd love to see you develop a decent radio link....

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 1:51 AM
Subject: TI-H: Radio link.

>Two years ago I developed a IR-link for TI-85(6)se at
>It worked rather nice. But now I have found a radiochip which make it
>possible to do a good radiolink. It runs 10-100 m at a speed of 9600 bit/s.
>If I have time and if anyone is interested I start to develope a radio-link
>for TI-85 and TI-86. I thought of doing this so it looks like a cable to
the TI.
>Per-Erik Andersson
