Re: TI-H: wanting to 'soup up' my 86


Re: TI-H: wanting to 'soup up' my 86

thats not so secret, so no thats not kick ass at all...
however, if you can use it to browse the web
or check e-mail then that is definatly kick ass....

calculators are pretty much sux now adays anyway...
if you want to fool around with something buy a palmtop or a

use a calculator for calculations,  get a real toy.

> yea... I have secret mods too.... you can use the calc as
a client to
> connect to the internet... kick ass, huh?
> At 09:24 AM 4/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> >well for one thing... I know for a fact that you don't
> >to prove
> >anything that simple and stupid to Grant.
> >and as for me.... I am quite aware of all the calc MOD's
> >that are out there
> >well except for some of Grants "Secret" mods... (no don't
> >ask).  hehe
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> well i can tell you 2 won't shut up until i give you a
> >link to prove that it
> >> is possible.  well this is from the rich files, the top
> >a AA adapter,
> >> scroll down to the bottom, that is where the AC adapter
> >(i was wrong about
> >> it being a DC adapter, it should be an AC adapter :)
> >>
> >>
> >ander.html
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> -Dan

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