Re: TI-H: Networking


Re: TI-H: Networking

I wasn't boasting, I was trying to get interest up so people who wanted
them could get it...

>No crap. Most people know that. That's how I got my 3 copies. I also have
>NT5. I just don't like it when people boast about being able to get stuff
>for free or being able to get early betas or pre-release stuff because you
>aren't the only one.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Grant Stockly <>
>To: <>
>Date: Sunday, September 27, 1998 12:34 PM
>Subject: Re: TI-H: Networking
>>Do you want NT?  Microsoft will send you a copy if you ask.  Thats all I
>>>OOhhh let's all boast about what software we can get for free. If you know
>>>where to look, you don't have to pay for anything. Anyone knows that. Now
>>>pipe down.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Grant Stockly <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Date: Saturday, September 26, 1998 7:36 PM
>>>Subject: Re: TI-H: Networking
>>>>>In a message dated 9/26/98 10:57:26 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
>>>>>> >i thought it was possible, don't large companys alow their employees
>>>>>>  >up to their networks with modems to connect to company resources
>>>>>>  Yes they do.  Sadly, they probably dial into WinNT.  :(
>>>>>i may be able to get a copy of NT server for free ; )
>>>>And the mail services?  :)  I've got 3.51.  :/  In about 8 different
>>>>languages.  I was on the Microsoft Developer mailing list, so they would
>>>>send me CDs all the time.  But then, all the OSs they would release in
>>>>stores happened to be beta anyway, so no testers.  :)
