Re: TI-H: linux...


Re: TI-H: linux...

Just like "The Net" shows ppl hacking into government systems with a Mac,
using a full blown GUI for each "web site", and getting all the
information at T1 speeds off of an analog line?
Or maybe "Hackers," hmm... "Takedown" seems accurate.

On behalf of the true geeks, please don't site a TV show.  We can't
believe the media anymore when it comes to computer stuff.

Oh, and "Masterminds," a kid with a 115.2 modem link hacking into a
system by walking through a 3d maze... yet again, NOT realistic... or
hooking up the master decryption chip to any old generic computer as
needed, as shown in "Sneakers."

My number one favorite computer related scene in all movies... "That's a
UNIX book!"  It was one of the 'Wayne's World" movies... and NOBODY got
the joke...  damn.


Grant Stockly wrote:

> They Go
> Into Game Programming Houses And Show Them Programming Under Linux."
> -The FIRST public domain portable hardware mp3 player-
