TI-H: e2 (e3?)


TI-H: e2 (e3?)

hey grant, I was just thinking. when you program your e2 (or is it e3
now?) could you program it for an i2c interface? I don't mean like have an
i2c eeprom or anything, but have it respond to the i2c protocol and give
it an id number and stuff. so you could have a bunch of calcs plugged into
my SquidNet (it's just an Mbus but it has tentacles, and it looks like a
squid, pretty cool) and they could all grab progs from the hd and stuff.
Are you still goind to do the ide drive thing? or are you abandoning it in
favor of the dram? please don't, b/c it seems like I'm the only one at my
schoool who actually owns a link, and its getting really annoying having
to put progs on everybody's calcs. so if  could carry around an hd, that
would be great. so, if you could make it i2c compatable, that would be
great, thanks. 

and  was thinking about the keyboard tsr. if you have the tsr running and
your playing a link game or something, then the tsr would take the signals
and put them into the keyboard buffer, and that would probably screw
things up. so, how about making the avr chip, oh I don't know, how about
making it i2c compatable! yeah!

I Don't See Why Not
ICQ: 3512251