Re: TI-H: Tape recorder to store data


Re: TI-H: Tape recorder to store data

No, there is handshaking which deals with the bitsream speed.  It would
need a controller and a ton of hardware.

>Sorry, I didn't know it has already been discussed.
>If we could connect a calc to a tape recorder instead of a microphone, and
>record all the memory on the tape, it would probably work. And then, to
>restore, just connect your calc to a walkman and run the tape. Of course, a
>program for the interface would have to be done to send and receive datas in
>the good format. If we send the datas coded into the same format as the
>output of a microphone, it would work.
>MP <> <>
>>Well, it would cost more for a tape player backup that it would to use a
>>1GB HD...
>>Its been dicussed before, and its not worth while.  :)
>>>Could it be possible to store data of a calc to a tape recorder, ie on a
>>>tape with some electronic stuff and a cable ? You could connect your calc
>>>your walkman for example and save games and programs, so you can recover
>>>these data in case of a crash, without needing a computer.
>>>MP <> <>
