Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications


Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications

>I'm just taking what the nice pretty data sheets told me :> all i know is it
>has a nastily small instruction set which i looked at and thought avoiding
>would be my best option. (technicaly it is a "reduced instruction set" :)

Yes, but think about the time per instruction.  :)  Every clock cycle on
the AVR is an instruction cycle.  Every 4 clock cycles on the PIC is one
instruction cycle.  A 1MHz AVR is 4x faster than a 1MHz PIC.  :)

>>I do more than AVR stuff, but there are other people doing calc programming
>>so I don't bother...  Everything I want for my calculator has already been
>Oh, now that can't possibly be true...what about a driver for a to-be-built
>realtime hologram rending system that's powered by your wearable computer at
>heart, as well as some covert piece of military technology :>

Oh yeah...  I forgot about that.  :)  I'll get started right now.  :)

I realy don't like software.  I like making an AVR do something and having
it isolated from everything else.  :)

Of course, a traffic thingie made on an AVR would look dirty.  :)

I got carried away a few weeks ago and connected an ISA video card to an
8515...  I had to stop myself.  :)  After making the keyboard driver afew
months before, pretty soon the AVR would be a computer.  :)

