TI-H: four-way turboing


TI-H: four-way turboing

When I turboed my 85 I used a 4-switch dip switch like a lot of people had but each switch is a diferent speed. I think for how easy it was it is the best thing you could do to your calc.
first I bought a low pf capacitor pack at radio shack 
(this was less the $5 dolars and you get five 1pf capacitors! I saw a turbo site that sold one for $5!)
then I bought some 1npo caps from Mike Jan ($1 apeace)
I took out the 1pf cap that was in my calc (I got it used, already turboed) and installed the switch with the four teminals on one side all shorted and hoked to one of the pad of C9 and each of the four on the other side hooked to one terminal on a 22pf cap, a 1pf cap, 1 npo cap, and a 33pf cap. I that order (that orde r dosn't make much sense, tho) then all the other terminals of the caps hooked to the other pad of C9
It's easy because the caps have thin leads that wrap around the pins of the switch easyly

In thery the first switch down would be a bit faster then norm, the second 3x speed, the third 4x speed and the fourth a bit slower than norm.

what hapened was the second and third switches were bolth about 3x speed and all switches off (no cap) was 4x speed (24mhz!). pushing the first three down or pushing the last one down bolth were about normal speed. pushing all down was super-slow- energy-coserving mode, which came in handy sometimes. other combinations did a whole bunch of other speeds but I don't remember them.

captain worthless

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