TI-H: Re: Legalizing MJ


TI-H: Re: Legalizing MJ

But, many other people would get on the pot if it were legal, sending the
numbers way out of porportion(sp)  It's like gambling.  W/out casino's
there is some underground gambling.  With casinos, there is less illegal
gambling but more casino-related crime.
On Fri, 8 May 1998 14:53:47 -0500 "David Knaack" <dknaack@easen.net>
>From: Richard Piotter <richfile@prairie.lakes.com>
>>ryan pogge wrote:
>>> >It would be intresting to see a state or two legalized
>>> >some drugs on a trial basis, to see what happens to
>>> >usage patterns and prices.
>>> ... and crime :)
>>I'd bet my entire calc colection that the crime would decrease if MJ
>were legalized!
>Wouldn't that kind of be by definition?  Everybody who uses,
>grows, sells, or holds it is currently breaking the law, if
>it were legal, they wouldn't be breaking the law anymore, and
>therefore, crime would be reduced....

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