Re: TI-H: People like Ritche


Re: TI-H: People like Ritche

Umm....  Okay... Richie must not be Richard's nick...   I was shocked
because I thought robert was talking about richard!

>> Who here is a little perturbed at Ritche's last message?  I am!  Not only
>> did he use more swear words than most "R" movies, but he personally attacked
>> me, and any other PC users on this list.
>I was realy stunned by that message!!! I agree with you totaly Robert!
>>I have already sent a complaint to
>> about this, and I suggest that anyone else who
>> feels this way would do the same.  I don't particulary care if he gets
>> kicked off or not, but if he sends another message like that, I will have to
>> quit the list.
>Good for you! I think any unnecessary language should be reported. I for
>one, don't like, but I also don't care if it's used. I can live with it,
>even when directed at me, but when I know others are present, I don't
>appreciate it's use. I for one rarely ever use any language like that.
>Back whan I was in school, people kinda laughed any time I swore, cause
>it simply didn't sound like it was me talking! I don't care when people
>use language like that around me, but when others are offended, I kinda
>get offended as well. Grant for one has asked and asked over and over
>for people to stop that language whenever it occured, but there is
>always someone who doesn't listen. This list has MANY people who share
>e-mail accounts with parents, or simply don't appreciate that language,
>so CUT IT OUT!!!
>>He is one of those people who says very little on the lists,
>> and when he does, uses the fowlest language he can seem to.
>I say so much in one message sometimes that I could have my own list! (=
>So, Ritche, I
>> don't really care what you think about me, or my OS, but you have gone way
>> too far.  When has anyone suggested that you "have lower than average
>> intelligence" on this list?  Even so, what right does that give you to say
>> that about me?  And for anyone else on this list who is a little liberal in
>> their speech, please try and keep it off this list!  Everyone's feedback is
>> welcome.
>Feed back is great--if you limit your exclamitory language to non
>offensive stuff, so please, consider this.
>Richard Piotter
>The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: