TI-H: FW: TI-89 and other new design approaches


TI-H: FW: TI-89 and other new design approaches

Well, I had to write to them about their new designs, and I got a reply!
Check it out, I also outlined the basic things that we WANT in a TI.
Christopher Kalos
VirtuTech Developer's Group
AOL IM: Raptor1CK

From: 	banderson@ti.com[SMTP:banderson@ti.com]
Sent: 	Friday, March 13, 1998 7:45 PM
To: 	raptorone@geocities.com
Subject: 	Re: TI-89 and other new design approaches


Thank you for your recent e-mail and for sharing your suggestions on how we
can improve the TI-89 and our other future products.  I am sending a copy
of your message to our product development team for their consideration.
We truly appreciate this sort of feedback as it allows us to guage what
sort of changes should be made in future product releases.  If you have any
further questions or comments please feel free to contact us at your
convenience.  For faster service on replies, please copy this message in
your response and send the response directly to ti-cares@ti.com.

Best Regards,

Brigette Anderson

Educational & Productivity Solutions
Texas Instruments                      Email:  ti-cares@ti.com
PO Box 650311 M/S 3962                 Phone: 1-800-TI-CARES or
Dallas, TX  75265                      (972)917-8324 (technical help)
Internet: http://www.ti.com/calc/      FAX:    (972) 917-0747

========================= ORIGINAL MESSAGE ==========================

[ raptorone @ geocities.com on 3/13/98 5:47:51 AM ]

Name:  Christopher Kalos
Email:  raptorone@geocities.com
These are just a few of the ideas that
have been tossed around the hardware list
at ticalc.org.
I would also like to thank you for
updating an aging platform for the future.
What I would like to see added in the
future are the following:
An expansion port system, for memory and
possibly other devices.
A more reliable link port design,
preferably a 3-wire serial or better.
Advanced programming support.  Provide an
object oriented environment and possibly a
C compiler for offline program creation,
which can then be transferred to the
A crystal oscillator for the clock as
opposed to RC circuitry.
A sturdier case and battery holder.  The
current designs, both 82/5 and 83/6 have
occasional reset problems, due to poorly
seated batteries.
A less expensive medium for power.  AAA's
are too costly.
Also, take the new experimental case, and
bring it back to the 83/6 design.  The new
buttons have a clunky, childish look to
them, and most likely will have a similar
feel.  Also, map the keys closer to a
TI-86, so that 8X users will feel more
comfortable with the layout.
Thanks, and keep up the great work,
Christopher Kalos