TI-H: TI-85 Schematic & Dead 85


TI-H: TI-85 Schematic & Dead 85

I need a dead TI-85 to complete mapping the schematic. Mel gave me some 
info, and will most likely mail me his incomplete work, but I need a 
dead calc to finish the work, I have one, but the parts are good and I 
may use them. This dead one though could be quite useful! I can pull the 
board from it and follow all the traces and finish mapping the 
schematic. I'll post it as soon as I finish.

Contact me at richfiles1@hotmail.com and we can talk.

Give me your e-mail address and I'll get you my Shipping address. I 
would like to finnish the schematic! Please get back as soon as 

>I found a ti-85 in my driveway today that a snow plow ran over. The 
back of
>the case is cracked, The
>LCD is cracked and the front case has some minor scratches. If sombody 
>use it for some
>usefull reason than let me know and I will send it to you. I will give
>preferance to USA because of
>mail costs.

Richard Piotter

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