RE: TI-H: RE: SPinTerface TI-Bus Expanders


RE: TI-H: RE: SPinTerface TI-Bus Expanders

Well, I've looked at it myself, and I'd rather do the SPinterface design myself.  Not to "steal your thunder" or anything, but I figure that it's about time that someone else starts building the SPInterface cartridges, so that everyone realizes the impact that it has on TI-H.
Christopher Kalos
Executive Director/Administrator
Virtual Technologies Developer's Group

From: 	Richard Piotter[]
Sent: 	Monday, January 12, 1998 7:50 PM
Subject: 	TI-H: RE: SPinTerface TI-Bus Expanders

I would be willing to build the TI-Bus Expanders for the SPinTerface. I 
want to post the SPinTeface version on my cartridge page (full credit 
given to you of course). You could build the link versions and I could 
build SPinTerface Versions. How does that sound???

Richard Piotter

>Thanks a million, man.  I think that I can get it all to work now.  The 
>actual communications layer was far beyond simple to figure out.  as =
>soon as I can finalize the VAT editing, I think I can build the =
>As for the SPinterface, I'd rather do it for the link port and then 
make =
>a SPinterface version later, since that way everyone can access it.
>Christopher Kalos
>Executive Director/Administrator
>Virtual Technologies Developer's Group

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